Top 3 Digital Menu Board Ideas and How to Use Them
By now, the word is out on digital menu boards. QSRs all around the world are making the switch and never looking back at the rigid old ways of static content.
In fact, some restaurants have experienced as much as a 50% increase in sales. That’s because digital menu boards have the ability to grab the attention of passersby, and potentially draw them into your ordering line.
Let’s take a look at some specific digital menu board ideas that you can use at your business.
Animated Digital Menus
Incorporating animated graphics can make all the difference between digital displays and static signage.
When your digital content has moving graphics, it catches the eye like nothing else. Bright, colorful displays are already attention grabbing, but when content is in motion, it draws the eye, and brings customer attention to your specials on display.
It’s important to make sure that the items are always listed clearly though. So have a couple of displays showing moving graphics and videos of your food being made for example, and at least one that stays fixed on your menu items for people to read clearly.
Themed Content
Whether the occasion is Halloween, Christmas, or any other holiday, adding themes to your digital displays is a fun and simple way to spruce up your digital menus.
Especially if you’re offering special menu items for the occasion, it’s a good idea to add a corresponding theme, which should be easy to add or remove using digital signage software.
Interactive Menus
Self-service touch screen menus are major time-savers for both customers and businesses. They free up employee bandwidth while allowing patrons to place orders how they want. Then, they can see their order written out on-screen.
This helps prevent miscommunications and gives customers the peace of mind that their preferences will be accounted for. In fact, most customers actually prefer self-service as opposed to ordering face-to-face.
Lastly, interactive content allows customers to engage with your menu. If there’s a menu item they’re interested in, they could have the option to click on it and read more, view images, or watch a video preview of what the dish looks like.
This puts customers in control of the ordering process, which is an advantage.
How to Leverage Your Digital Menu Boards
Now that we’ve gone over some ideas for how to craft your digital menu boards, let’s go over a few tried and true techniques for making the most out of them.
Upsell and Cross-Sell Your Menu Items
Don’t forget to highlight promos, combos, and other deals on your digital screens. This is your best opportunity to entice customers into upping their cart sizes or turning that last-minute craving into a combo.
Make Use of Templates to Save Time
Creating content can be super fast and easy when using templates. Be sure that you’re taking advantage of the ones at your disposal. And if you aren’t finding any that you like, you can probably find some on the internet with a quick search.
Automate Your Content Changes
Whether it’s a change of offerings from breakfast to lunch, or the addition of seasonal offerings that start on the first of the month, scheduling content ahead of time is more efficient.
One of the biggest advantages of digital menu boards is that they are customizable. On the fly, you can update your menus and the changes will be reflected instantly, unlike static signs which are a pain in the neck to change.
That coupled with the fact that digital signage menus boost sales makes them a great addition to any restaurant, cafe, bar, or other place of business that serves products to its customers.