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5 Digital Signage Strategies to Capture Your Audience's Attention
Aug. 27, 2024
5 Digital Signage Strategies to Capture Your Audience's Attention

5 Digital Signage Strategies to Capture Your Audience's Attention

Digital signage is versatile, dynamic, and excellent for capturing people’s attention. That’s why so many businesses have chosen to adopt the burgeoning technology in recent years.

Sure, the eye-catching nature of digital screens on its own will grab some people’s attention. But combined with a purposeful approach, you can maximize the potential of your digital signage system.

So whether you’re using digital signage in retail, hospitality, corporate environments, or public spaces, here are five tried-and-true digital signage rules to follow.

1. Craft Compelling Content

The most important element of any digital signage strategy is the content itself. To truly maximize the potential of your digital signage, your content must be top-notch—engaging, useful, and visually appealing.

As a rule of thumb, high-quality videos and motion graphics are much more appealing and attention-grabbing than static images. On top of that, bright colors and bold text will also draw increased attention.

Content should also be concise and to the point. No one will want to read large blocks of text on your screens. Keep your message clear and straightforward so those passing your displays can easily digest its content at a glance.

2. Leverage Interactive Elements

Interactive digital signage is another way to significantly enhance audience engagement with your screens. Rather than standing idly and looking at your screens, they’ll be actively engaging with your content—think interactive digital maps, touchscreen menus, or executable lists.

Touchscreen kiosks can be used to allow customers to browse products, order food via digital menus, or find information such as a directory of your building. QR codes and social media feeds can also be incorporated into your interactive digital signage for further engagement.

3. Share Relevant Information

Obviously, the messaging on your screens needs to be valuable to your customers or they’ll quickly ignore it. That means creating content that addresses the needs and desires of your specific audience.

Informative content can come in many forms such as weather updates, live social feeds, event reminders, nearby local attractions, restaurant recommendations, in-store promotions, wait times, and much more. Put simply, always keep your audience in the know.

4. Optimize Placement and Timing

The placement of your screens and the timing of your content play a huge role in the success of digital signage.

Strategically positioning your digital displays in high-traffic areas or places where consumers linger will lead to a larger impact. Ensuring eye-level placement, good viewing angles, and good lighting are also keys to maximizing visibility and readability.

Content scheduling should also be used to make sure content is tailored to the specific time of day you want it to run. For instance, a restaurant might display lunch special content during lunch hours and dinner related content during evening hours.

5. Maintain and Update Regularly

If you want to keep eyes on your screens then regular maintenance and content updates are musts.

After all, the last thing you want is for either the software or hardware to crash during use. Software needs to be updated regularly and you’ll need access to people who know how to fix any potential technical issues should they arise.

Content also needs to be regularly updated so it stays fresh. Customers will surely disregard your screens if they see the same content rotating over and over again.

Capturing and holding the attention of potential customers isn’t always easy. But if you craft compelling and useful content, run it on strategically placed screens, and make sure those screens stay up-to-date and running well, then there’s no reason your digital signage content won’t have great success.